Democracy or “Aristocratic Plutocracy”?
Governance is defined by “Who controls Political Power”
Characteristics of an Aristocracy: “Dominant power by a privileged ruling class”
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Entrenched, stagnant, self-perpetuating Two Party political class.
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Average congressional tenure is 10 years
79 members > 20 years (historic highs).
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Median age: House 59, Senate 61 (historic highs) ; U.S. population, 38
18 of 33 Senators up for re-election 2018 – over 65.
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Median net worth average:
Congressman: $1,100,000 (not including hidden home value).
U.S. adult citizen: $44,900. - 5
630 former Members work as lobbyists or for lobbying clients (last 5 years).
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Strangled choice, closed clique of partisans (2016—All-time records):
- 402 of 435 House seats non-competitive (30 unopposed).
- 97% re-elected.
- Only 8 incumbents defeated (4 only when outspent).
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Incumbent’s $$ advantage over challenger (average)
- House: 643% = ~ 6 x times as much $$
- Senate: 1,330% = ~ 13 x times as much $$
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Only 14 of 50 states are competitive and...
- Those 14 get 99% of Party ad spending (>50% in 4: FL, OH, NC, PA).
- 36 states are a forgone 1-Party state like China, Russia
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Parties cede districts to each other though gerrymandering, $$ targeting.
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No matter which Party controls the legislature for re-districting - they
- Connect together their most-favored leaning precincts…
- Thereby ceding the remainder to the Other Party, then also locked in.
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Result? Eliminate competition, one for you, one for me.
Few left actually contested — only 33 of 435 (2016 elections).
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Revolving door of career politicians, appointed officials, lobbyists, apparatchiks.
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Party Federal Patronage:
- 4,000 executive branch.
- 21,000 congressional staff appointees.
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Parasitic cadre of lawyers, lobbyists, PR, polling, media, data firms.
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14 of top 20 donor revolving doors are Law Firms (320 lobbyists).
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Praetorian Guard of prominent white collar defense lawyers @ $1,000./ hr.
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Affiliated ideological partisans. “think tanks,” “independent” committees.
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Faux charities, foundations, law-lobbying fronts, pass-through conduits.
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Increasing academic infiltration through donor class and "think tanks."
- Co-opted faculties, research, partisan centers and events.
- Both Parties’ mega-donors propagandizing students.
- Public MA university refuses FOIA on researchers’ studies because D-Party “think tank” funding source refuses disclosure.